Thursday, December 29, 2011

Its Okay!

it is Thursday the 29th of December and I believe that I am going to link up with my bff bam bam for Its Okay Thursday!

Its Ok Thursdays

Its Okay...

.....To be sick and still go to work because you dont want to use vacation days

.....To drink a red bull AND a cup of coffee because you are feeling extra tired

.....To start planning your daughters birthday even if its a year away

.....To sleep in your car on your lunch break

.....To go to Target 3 days in a row

.....To buy Christmas decorations for next year..clearance :)

.....To be butt hurt about not having an Iphone

.....To not be sure of what you are doing for New Years

.....To buy someone a christmas present on the first of january

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

You can never go to Target too much! Love that store!