Hello all :) I am linking up to Amber and Neelys Holiday Blog Challenge :) Day 1, Favorite gift received for Christmas....
I would have to say, my most favorite gift I ever got was an acoustic guitar that my parents bought me last year. It was so freakin sweet. The year before that I had a new years goal of teaching myself how to play the guitar, a month later I found out I was pregnant. Of course, my finances changed and I couldnt just go out and buy one for myself. I was really wanting to learn to play so I can write music. My parents, being the sweet people that they are, went out and bought me that guitar. I cried, and that is a Christmas I will never forget :)
Thanks for linking up BFF! :)
That's awesome! I got a guitar one year and vowed to learn a TON of songs.. although that didn't really happen. My husband is the one that plays it now.
That sounds like a great Christmas present :)
I have yet to play it lol Although, it is there when I'm ready ;) I am forcing myself to pick it up next year if it kills me!
OMG it's funny that you mentioned this because it's my list of things that i;d love to get for christmas but most likely won't!!! lols but that;s a great present you got =)
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